Reflection of Digital Literacy

2 min readMar 2, 2021


In summary, the moral issue related to digital inclusion is digital inequality. Simply put, it is the uneven distribution of information network. Most of the world’s unconnected people live in least developed countries, land-locked developing countries and small island developing States. At the current rate of growth, about 195 million new Internet users will be added each year, but even in connected countries, there is still a huge digital divide between countries, communities and people. Thus, these barriers are often related to age, gender, disability, socio-economic status and geographical location. The problem of digital divide in China is so serious that the National Bureau of Statistics of China measured the information capacity of 28 major countries and regions (including developed and developing countries) in 1999. The results show that there is a huge gap between China’s information capability index and the information developed countries such as the United States, Japan and Australia. China scored only 6.17, 8.6% of the US and 8.82% of Japan.

To rationally eliminate the digital divide, it is necessary to do the following :(1) to strengthen the scientific research and development of core technologies. The fundamental reason is the gap in core technology. In the concrete practice, we should increase the investment of capital and talents, provide institutional guarantee and promotion. (2) It is necessary to strengthen information technology to promote system construction. There is a considerable gap between the current system construction and the development of informatization. Only with advanced technology, without institutional guarantee and promotion, informatization is still difficult to advance, especially in the environment where state-owned enterprises occupy the most important position in China, the government plays a more important role in promoting informatization compared with foreign countries.

